Published Apr 10, 2010
21 Posts
Hello everyone i will be relocating to Fl in June, and i hope to get into Galens Aug 16th 2010 class. I recently visited there and took their PAX-PN exam and passed. However the admissons rep stated that they will not be enrolling the aug class until May, and he said that as soon as i move down there that i need to obtain a Fl drivers license and come in for a interview, then the board will meet, What will the board look at?
I am hoping to get accepted in their day class which is only 12 months, but i would seattle for the night class. Then i am hoping to get accepted into their RN program. Anyone planing on attending the Aug 16th 2010 class? and does anyone know how many students that they accept and is it hard to get accepted?
88 Posts
Hi - I am currently a 1st qtr lpn student at Galen. If you passed your PAX test then you should be good to go, that is the hard part. I am not sure how quickly the classes are filling up right now, but if you come back in May/June complete your application and complete an interview you should be good. All the applications are put in front of the board and then they agree on who gets in and who does not.. I think allot is based on how commited to the program they think you are.. good luck!!
So how is the 1st qtr. What does it consist of? I have been hearing stories of classes cut by more than half in the 1st qtr......
I really like the program... I am in the day program - It's nursing fundamentals, clinicals, Lab/CPE's, A/P Science and nursing health.
You start clinicals in the 3rd week, which I think is fantastic - day 1 they intro you to care plans... It is not for the faint hearted.. it is an accelerated program.. so it really kicks your butt! There is allot of support with fellow students and an onsite counselor.. ect... but seriously it kicks your butt. I have always been an "A" student.. well, at Galen I have yet to make an A on a test - and I study (I am right now) about 2 - 3 extra hours a day on the weekdays and 6-8 hours on the weekends.. not including going to school hours...
I am not sure what you mean by cut in 1/2? I am guessing you mean drop out rate/fail rate? Well, not everyone is there for everyclass and we have not had finals yet - that is next week. I think we started with 56 in our class, and now we have around 45?? not sure... once finals are over then the real writing on the wall will happen. Maybe it's the 1st qtr RN although they seem to be doing well... we are the only 1st qtr lpn. If you do not show up for class, show that you are making an effort, fall asleep in class, show up late, show up unprepared for clinicals, then chances are you will get cut one way or another. The staff at Galen can make or break you... I sure hope you give it a shot!!
Let me know what you meant by 1/2 being cut... I think in any nursing program the slackers are not going to make it... it the hard core I want to be there people that are there in the end... you know? :)
Oh, and if you decide on the Galen route look me up... I have lots and lots of books!! :)
I just meant that from other post that i have read. They say that they started out with like a class of 60, and only like 25 graduated. I plan on being completely devoted to the program, failure is not a option for me since i am literally only moving to tampa to attend galen. I dont plan on working, so i know that studying will be like a job to me. When i visited the beginning of April, i heard one guy tell a prospective student that they only had like 17 slots open for the may class. I was like wow only 17 slots and they were not even into may. So i hope that i can get down there in time to get a slot, since they wont start enrolling until may. I am not going into this thinking that its going to be easy.... but i want this bad, and if you want something bad enough you will do whatever it takes to get it. I also read somewhere that they only let you use pell grants for the 1st qtr, is this true? Because i know i will have to use student loans. I have heard many good things about his school, that is why i choose it, no matter the cost.
Thanks i will def look you up for the books, because i have seem what some people say they pay. How much was the backround check? and do they fingerprint? I have heard to expect to come out of at least 1500.00 on your own.... before classes start......
Oh' I misunderstood you... yeah, by the end.. the class will be less than 50% I cannot remember the exact numbers, but making it to the end.. it is low. scary low. your numbers above might be right... that's good that you don't have to work - I see the people that so and I feel so bad for them. I'm lucky I am not working now... so all my free time is spent studying and catching up on sleep - it's amazing how tired you become... and I'm an insomniac! That would make sense for the May class... I am sure you will be fine in May for August. You seem very dedicated and they will see that. I was not eligible for a pell for the 1st qtr but am getting it for the rest... and most of my class has pell so I know nothing about the 1st qtr only thing. Nancy is my financial aid person and she is WONDERFUL!! I LOVE her!! LOVE her! you will too! stay on her good side and turn your paperwork in on time and you are golden!! she will help you - all the way. It's kinda funny because my classmates and I say to each other.. you know everyone used to tell us it was going to be hard... I have to say nothing and no one can prepare you.. I thought I was prepared. but once you are in a groove - it's all good. The school has a great reputation and the clinical instuctors are good - out at the sites you jump in and learn so much. I was changing a cath (with my clinical instructor) my 2nd clinical day!! freaked out yeah - but learned so much! Oh' and the background check... I think it was $200? no fingerprint. advice - try to get all your shot records in order... that takes some work. books, you can get for a good price from other students, go in and look on the board before you start, and like I said look me up I will have 2 semesters worth by then... (there is a board in the student lounge area with books and stuff it's a great resource). I really don't think I spent 1,500... and only get your 1st qtr books. I am excited for you!!
I am on the Student Advisory Council so I may see you at your orientation!! I am sure we will talk on here before then - I had so many questions before I started so please - don't hesitate to ask!! :)
I have my shot record.... i had to get many shots... I hope that i dont have to get anymore :-(.... Its great that i met someone who has first hand experience, because i do have alot of questions. I had been researching what states that i could move too that have a nursing program with no waitlist. In doing my research FL kept on popping up, and i realized that i would have to move there. But hey who does not want to live in the sunshine state right....:)... I dont know about going over that long bridge over the water everyday.... but i am sure that i will get use to it...It has been a long term goal of mine to become a nurse and i need to pursue it by all means. I will inbox you my email address so that we can keep in touch.... I am looking to move the first of june, so that i can get everything in order for school.
Wow! That is quite a commitment moving to Florida for nursing school!! I have lived in Florida pretty much my whole life... You must be looking at living in Tampa? as you mention the bridge? I live in St. Pete - just about 7 min from the school.
Florida is nice, I am not sure where you are from, but it gets hot-hot-hot here... but the beaches are nice. when you get the chance to go to the!! you will!!
Def keep in touch... I will look out for your email and I will send you mine.
Take Care - going to meet up with my study group!!
Yes the apartments that i found were like past downtown and the casino, they have not even finished building them yet, but they look really nice, and they are only 798.00 for a three bedroom, which is really nice. When i visited then early this month i stayed right around the corner from the school, since i did not want to get lost while looking for the school. I stayed off ulmerton rd.... I drove around st pete looking for apts.... but they all seemed so expensive in st pete. I will be moving from GA..... now i love Atlanta and i will miss it, but i have to do what i have to do. I visited Indian rock beach, which was beautiful i was in awww, cause i love the ocean so much, and its kinda wierd that i will be living that close to it. I forgot how close i was to the water until i had to go over the bridge. It seemed like the apts were far away but they were not that far, my GPS said only 30 min. Here in Atlanta you have to drive everywhere and traffic is terrible. So i am pretty much use to having to drive close to an hour to get anywhere. The scenery is also very different, but i love the palm trees. I am dreading the heat.... it was only 80 when i was there which was bearable, but i can just imagine how i will be literally melting just walking to my car... LOL.... How is the school system? I also have kids, which they are so excited to be moving to FL, since we will be so close to orlando, and major water parks, and attractions.
maybe u should send me your email. I dont know if i can send a email on here...