Published Nov 15, 2005
127 Posts
I currently work in clinical trials as a coordinator in hypertension,diabetes and hyperlipidemia research. I am stronly considering going back to school for my masters. I enjoy working in this specialty. But I am looking forward to furthering my education and advancing in my career. I just graduated from nursing school in 2004 with my BSN. Now I can't decide between Research or Informatics MSN. I don't plan on conducting my own research but I work with doctors who are the principal investigators for the studies. I am interested in the booming informatics speciality and its expected rise in the future. I need some ideas on how I can connect what I do now, to informatics in the future. I know informatics can be of great use to hypertension and diabetes care. I know I am the only one who can make this decision, but it would greatly help to hear some input from graduates of Clinical Research Management or Informatics.
rninformatics, DNP, RN
1,280 Posts
I need some ideas on how I can connect what I do now, to informatics in the future.
Hi BSNgrad2004,
You are correct. Informatics can be of excellent use in more than just the management of any one disease process (such as diabetes or hypertention) but within all of healthcare, clinical practice and research.
Nursing Informatics as defined by Graves and Corcoran, is "a combination of computer science, information science and nursing science designed to assist in the managment and processing of nursing data, information and knowledge to support the practicing of nursing and the delivery of nursing care".
The collection of patient data, the analysis and synthesis of this data into information and that information into knowledge defines the practice of Nursing Informatics. That is how Informatics can assist you with your work in drug trials today and tomorrow. That is how informatics facilitates clinical practice and research now.
Hope that helps.