

:o i went to my appt on tuesday(im 20 weeks along). i found out that i had funneling of the cervix . i am only a nursing student so i really don't know much of anything but i hear that most people go on bedrest and so forth. my dr. didnt warn me or anything the only reason i knew about it was my mom was in the room when i was getting my ultrasound done and as i had left the room they told her about it. so my mother-in-law is the rn for the dr. so i called her and she told me thats what i had. should i be worried and is this normal and what kind of precautions should i take. also last month they mentioned that my placenta is lowlying so...i am just mostly worried about miscarriage and stuff so anyone with any advice or info i would appreciate it. thanks
:o i went to my appt on tuesday(im 20 weeks along). i found out that i had funneling of the cervix . i am only a nursing student so i really don't know much of anything but i hear that most people go on bedrest and so forth. my dr. didnt warn me or anything the only reason i knew about it was my mom was in the room when i was getting my ultrasound done and as i had left the room they told her about it. so my mother-in-law is the rn for the dr. so i called her and she told me thats what i had. should i be worried and is this normal and what kind of precautions should i take. also last month they mentioned that my placenta is lowlying so...i am just mostly worried about miscarriage and stuff so anyone with any advice or info i would appreciate it. thanks

i am not sure they should be discussing things with your mom without you in the room. the uterus is like a balloon. as it inflates many low lying placentas move up. i think it is too early to worry about that one. did the dr do the u/s (the person who told your mom about the funneling)? i would talk to your dr as he probably had to read the results. perhaps the tech thought he or she saw something but when the dr looked at the measurements of the cervix there was no funneling. if it is funneling that means that the internal os is dialating while the external os may still be closed or at least less dialation than the internal. someone correct me if i am wrong but i thought true cervical funneling could only be diagnosed with a translady partsl ultrasound. i had a shortening cervix in my last pg (made it to 36 weeks 5 days) and the measurements were never taken from an abdominal u/s. i am not a nurse but a student like you but i have had 3 babies and 3 bouts of preterm labor. i made it past 36 weeks with all of them. i would discuss it with your doctor. only s/he can make a definite diagnosis of a funneling cervix. good luck.

If it makes you feel any better, I had placenta previa with my last pregnancy that corrected itself later on. Everything was fine. I wouldn't get worried just yet.

The only way to truely measure cervical legnth is with a trans lady partsl u/s. I had many with my second pg because of my history of Premature Rupture of Membranes, sometimes caused by funneling.

There is no way to correct it. If it continues past a certain point, you may need a cerclage.

I hope you call your OB in the morning to discuss this and the breech of confidentiality.

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