Frontier Nursing Univ. Class 142


Hey! I was just wondering if anyone else is applying to Class 142 at Frontier, either Midwifery or FNP? I'm submitting all of my materials tomorrow. Good luck, everyone!

I applied to 142 also, CNM for me. I just barely got all mine in this week since I had to wait for final BSN grades to post. It is such a reliever to get it in. However, now the waiting game begins. Love to get more people on this thread :)

Good luck to you! I'm glad you got it all in on time :)

Hey I am applying to the 142 class also, FNP. Just got all of my stuff in this past weekend!!

Hi guys! I have just applied to class 142 at Frontier, but I am worried that my transcript and reference letters won't get there on time..:(

I applied to Frontier Nursing University class 142. I am joining you guys waiting for the letter of acceptance. Good luck everyone.

Specializes in Psych, Intermediate Care.

Hello all! I am anxiously waiting as well! My nerves are shot! I am hopeful and wish you all luck! I look forward to meeting you all!

P.S. How do you all plan on attending frontier bound? I guess I'll have to fly....ugh! :nailbiting:

Hello all! I am anxiously waiting as well! My nerves are shot! I am hopeful and wish you all luck! I look forward to meeting you all!

P.S. How do you all plan on attending frontier bound? I guess I'll have to fly....ugh! :nailbiting:

Hey! If I get in I plan on flying since I'm in NC.

I applied for 142 CNM also, Good luck!

Specializes in Psych, Intermediate Care.

Awesome! I guess I'll have to overcome my fear of flying! I was looking on the schools website and saw the fees for the bounds. I wonder if we have to pay up front or if it's added to our tuition? I called but haven't heard anything yet.

Hey everyone! I applied to class 142 FNP. I'm so nervous waiting on a decision. I live in North Carolina but originally from KY. Best of luck to everyone! I hope we can all meet this fall í ½í¸Š

I'm applying to the FNP program as well! From Tennessee and really hope to see everyone in late August! :up:

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