From Nurse Corps to Line Officer, or vice versa?


For current or past Nurse Corps officers (or any military officer, really):

I am planning to pursue commission into the USAF Nurse Corps upon my graduation in less than a year; that commission would land me as a "Professional Officer". However, I have always been interested in Combat Rescue Officer, which is a "Line Officer" position. Is it possible to move from the Nurse Corps to another position such as CRO (from professional to line officer)? Would I be better off setting myself up for CRO from the get-go and use the Nurse Corps as more of a second option? So far, recruiters have been no help with this question.

Specializes in ICU, ER, OR, FNP.

I looked into it after coming into the USAF as I was severely disappointed with the decision to come into the USAF as a nurse. Having been a combat Army troop in a former life - the two lifestyles were complete opposites. Anyway, you can leave nursing in the USAF, but the USAF nursing side will black list you from ever serving in the NC again. If you leave the USAF NC for any reason - you leave forever. 60 years later - It's still run by women.

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