Published Nov 17, 2014
1 Post
Hello.i m a french RN,and i ve been working in a ER for 7 years.
I have some relatives living in California,and i would love to come work in the area for a little while.
Did anyone here have the same background?
i would love to know what is the best way to get a chance to work in the US.
i also would like to find out if i can come study nursing while i m already a RN.
ghillbert, MSN, NP
3,796 Posts
You cannot get a temporary visa to go and work in CA. You would need to have an immigrant visa and be able to work and have a social security number before California would give you a nursing license. You can study nursing or any other course you are accepted for on F1 visa as an international student, but you would need to show that you can afford both the course and your living expenses - and you still don't have a guaranteed way to stay and work in the US after the study is finished.