Fractured ribs....and x-rays

Published's the scoop...I fractured my ribs some time ago...MY QUESTION IS...When the ribs are fractured...Is it common sometimes for the films to be negative? And does anyone know why?....If you know of any websites that could help..I would appreciate it...And also if you want more info on why I want to know..leave me a message plz....thx all

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
Originally posted by CraftyLPN's the scoop...I fractured my ribs some time ago...MY QUESTION IS...When the ribs are fractured...Is it common sometimes for the films to be negative? And does anyone know why?....If you know of any websites that could help..I would appreciate it...And also if you want more info on why I want to know..leave me a message plz....thx all

Any xray can initially read negative for fracture.Especially if the bones are not dis-placed.....Usually the patient continues to have pain and is re- xrayed and the fx is then picked up...Could be due to the radiologist,technician-any number of reasons....It's been 2 yrs since I fractured all the ribs down the left side of my chest-some with multiple fx-I'. lucky I recovered without complications-I still get twinges of pain in a few places...I feel for you....

KTWLPN...thx..any info would help..any at all...

I had a hearing for my worker's comp...and it was "suggested" that I broke my ribs on purpose...because the first films were negative..and I broke them sometime during a 48 hr period...So to say the least....I am a little PO'd...This will be interesting to see how this turns out.

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
Originally posted by CraftyLPN

KTWLPN...thx..any info would help..any at all...

I had a hearing for my worker's comp...and it was "suggested" that I broke my ribs on purpose...because the first films were negative...

:chuckle Ya just needed a little vacation,huh? How many mornings driving down the highway have I thought-Gee-if someone would just hit me I would not have to work today" right o......Sounds like you need opinions from some other docs...I'll see if I can find some stats for you......My bro in law had his wrist broken with a baseball bat during a mugging and the first x ray was negative.I have had more then one resident with an initial hip xray come back negative....I don't think it is really un-common..

I fx two ribs carring my child down the stairs years ago and slipped. I fell at least 5 feet. I was also preg and didnt know it. Had x-rays done, the MD thought he saw something but wasnt sure so he termed it "Clinical fx" Later I had another set done, like 3-4 days when symptoms persist. Sure enough two hair line.

I can't believe you would want to fracture your own ribs, what is this world coming too?:chuckle

Fractures don't always show up initially. Especially rib fractures but I think that has a lot to do with technique (how the xray was taken).

Specializes in FNP, Peds, Epilepsy, Mgt., Occ. Ed.

I've had a rib fracture. Hurts a lot, for a long time, too.

Mine was visible on the first x-ray, but as others have said, I've known of initially negative x-rays later showing up a fracture. There should be some literature out there to support this.

Were there any other physical findings from the original injury? I know when I broke my rib, I had a great huge bruise there. Also, did anyone see you get hurt? Get as much supporting documentation together as possible.

Personally, I wouldn't break a rib on purpose if it meant I'd win the Lottery.

:roll {{{{Ya just needed a little vacation,huh? How many mornings driving down the highway have I thought-Gee-if someone would just hit me I would not have to work today" right o}}}}}

Needed the laugh thx...Just seems my employer is out for blood...WHO WOULD CONTEST FX RIBS????COME ON NOW...

I remember calling into the office...and they told me to stop there first to write up an incident report...and at that point I could hardly brethe and felt like I was going to pass out....hmmmm:idea: that COULD work to my advantage if things get "nasty"...and I am the kind of person who doesn't like to make waves.

Anything would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!!

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.

Charles Stewart, MD, FACEP

Chest X-Ray. The routine CXR is the diagnostic tool of choice for a rib fracture. Unfortunately, rib fractures are often not visible on the chest x-ray. Cartilaginous rib fractures are never visible on x-ray. Between 10 and 15% of other rib fractures are not visible on CXR.19 How important is it to diagnose a rib fracture by radiography? Not very important for one or two ribs broken by trauma, but it is very important to find the rib fractures from metastatic disease. Therapy is the same with or without an x-ray diagnosis and is aimed at pain relief and adequate pulmonary function and toilet.

I found more stats using various search engines and phrases.....go to,girl...good luck...

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