Found out some very disturbing information today!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I was chatting with another student from one of my classes today and she told me something very disturbing about the school that we are attending and the nursing program. She told me that getting into the nursing program for us is going to be very hard because of all the politics that go on at this school. It seems that certain groups of people get first choice and then others are doing unmentionable favors for the selection commitee to get accepted. She informed me that grades dont matter, the only thing that does matter is how far you are willing to lower your standards to do these certain favors. I am so disgusted at the remote possibility that this could be true that I am now thinking about a university instead. The school that I am attending is convenient and cheap. I dont know if I will be able to afford the tuition at a university and dont know what I should do. My question is: Is there any kind of laws governing how a college conducts their admissions policies? I dont think this is fair by any means, and I know that we should be weary of things we hear from others but this person is very credible. Thank you all for any suggestions you can offer. :angryfire

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