For all you night owls

Specialties Geriatric


Who here works the night shift at a LTC facility? I'm fresh out of school and recently got hired as an LPN to a facility where I've worked for a year as a CNA on 2-10. The only available opening they had was 10-6 but I'm a night owl so I dont feel as if I'll have a problem with the staying awake part. I'll probably have about 32 residents and maybe 1 CNA to work with me on the hall I'm assigned to.

What type of things does a nurse DO on the night shift? I'm sure it differs from facility to facility, but as a general rule, what will I be doing most of the time?:confused:

Specializes in LTC, Rehab, hemodialysis.

I work in LTC on the 10pm-6am shift. I absolutely love it. I have between 55-60 patients, depending on the census. 1.5 CNAs (1 floats). I love nursing but I don't like large crowds of people so night shift is perfect for me. No doctors, therapy isn't running around, no one stealing your charts, very few family members- it's just me and my patients and it's great. There is a lot of paperwork and other things like glucometer calibrating but to me it's worth it. A lot of people think night nurses must be lazy but that's not it all. For me, I just don't like all the action of 6a-2p and 2p-10pm is smack dab inthe middle of the day and just doesn't work for me.

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