For all current or past CNAs please answer my ?'s

Nurses General Nursing


Hi! I am an instructor (theory and clinical) for a CNA program. I wondered if any former or current CNAs could help me become a better instructor by answering some questions for me?

1. What were you not taught in your CNA training that you needed to know "in the real world"?

2. What information do you absolutely need about a patient/resident in order to provide good care for them during your shift? For example: transfer ability, diet, mental status, etc.

3. What advice would you give a CNA student that you wish someone gave you when you were a CNA student?

Thank you for helping me in my quest to provide the best education for my students!

I am seeing some common threads as read all of these great posts. Most CNAs needed more info about in school about transfers, time management, etc. Also, I see alot of you saying to the students "Ask questions". All of this information and more is SO helpful. I am going to compile it all and use it in several ways in my classroom as well as clinical. I would love to hear from more CNAs!! Thanks, everybody!

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