Foot (chronic pain) problems


Specializes in LTC, CNA/SPN.

Long story short, I was born with a birth defect that left me after three reconstructive surgeries with a cadeaver Acheille's Tendon and screws in my foot. Because of this I have chronic pain issues (but can't take NSAIDS because I've had gastric bypass). I am a nursing student right now and I'm trying to come up with a long term pain management plan with non-narcotic meds for obvious reasons. Right now on days we have clinicals I don't take anything the night before/morning of/or during my shift but usually am having to take 1-2 Darvocet when I get home. I know I can work the shift and can talk myself through the pain, it's once I get home and off my feet the pain becomes overwhelming. I'd love to hear from nurses with chronic pain problems how you handle the pain so you don't have to be on anything that might hinder you while at work. I'm going back to my specialist next week and would love to run a few alternative ideas by him.


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