FNP School Decision Prestige vs Cost


Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Greetings everyone---I am in the process of making the decision as to where I want to attend NP school. I have several acceptances :yeah::yeah::yeah: . One from a prestigious and expensive program, and a couple from good schools that are about $2K to $7K less expensive overall (not 2-7K cheaper per year, but total after I've completed the program). So not a HUGE difference, but a difference!

How much does the "name and reputation" of your NP school impact getting a new grad NP position and your career overall?

Do you think it is work the extra $7K for a nationally ranked top 50 program?

Thanks for you comments in advance!

I think there are two additional things to consider relating to the 'prestige' of the school.

1. Where are you intending to practice for the rest of your career? I have seen cases where local schools carry a great deal of prestige, but do not carry any weight at other places in a state or nation. If you think you might be moving, then a school with more of a national reputation might be better.

2. In what sort of primary care position do you think you might be working? Put yourself in the position of a new client/patient. In looking for a new primary care provider, do you look to see where your providers were trained? Do you think this would matter to new clients/patients?

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

UVA--thank you for your thoughts. You have brought up some great points! I am currently living and working in NOVA (northern va). I am up for relocating to where ever I can find an new grad NP position after graduation. Regarding specialty, I currently work at a "free" HIV clinic. I provide care to under served, below income and minority patients. I would love to continue working with this population as an NP. There is a need for midlevel practitioners (PA and NP) in the DMV (dc/md/va) area who want to work with the medically under served in primary care settings. My assumption would be that "prestige" would not matter so much for this specialty. But, I can't say that I would want to work in this capacity for life. I love learning new things and have an interest in OB and dermatology as well.

As a UVA BSN grad (class 2009) (WAHOOWA!!!!!), I know that school reputation can make a difference. I ABSOLUTELY believe that the UVA name on my diploma greatly assisted me with obtaining my first nursing position. I had no problems finding a job as a new grad during a time when so many fellow new grad nurses were. And for that, I am eternally grateful. wow, a lot to think about.........decisions decisions......leaning towards the "more prestigious school"

Specializes in Psych, Geriatrics.

I would look for the school that gets the better clinical placements, in areas or specialties of what you would like to do. Those practicums will probably be where you get job offers from. That kind of foot-in-the-door is definitely worth 7k in my opinion.

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