FNP in family practice salaries?

Nursing Students NP Students


Hello. I'm currently trying to sort out some preliminary plans in my head for what direction I want to take in my schooling. In my head, my heart is set on family practice. I like the idea of outpatient far more than inpatient. I also love pharmacology, so I think family practice is a good fit for me. That being said, I'm curious as to what the salaries are for family practice FNP's.

NP salary ranges are enormous, as you may have already noticed. You would be best off to check salary ranges in your geographic area.

There are FNP's of my acquaintance who make 90k, and some who make 200k. The salaries are RVU based. The high earners obviously are efficient, and very energetic.

However, in reading these threads, there are a lot of low salaries mentioned. Less than 100k.

You have to decide if you want to proceed, even though there might not be a big salary boost once the loan payment is taken into consideration.

In my case, it took about 4 years before the salary began to pay off.

But I really didn't like being an RN, as I have previously mentioned, so I would have done it regardless.

I do think, going forward, 130k or more will become the national norm, as long as we don't flood the market, but that is another issue.

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