Florida State University (FSU) CRNA 2024

Nursing Students SRNA

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Hello. Just wanted to reach out and see if anyone here is applying to FSU's DNAP program Summer 2024. I couldn't find a thread so I thought I'd start one!

Specializes in Neuro ICU.
krisjames84 said:

That's awesome. I'm all about expanding your experience in a variety of areas. You'll know what you want to do when the time comes but my vote would be to go ahead and apply if you will have all of the requirements in order. Definitely study for and sit for the CCRN if you haven't already. I wouldn't get too bogged down in having over two years of experience if every other aspect of your application is in check. What matters is that the experience you do have is quality experience and you can pull from those experiences to show you are competent in taking care of critically ill patients.

Oh I'm definitely going to shoot my shot! Haha I just want to have really good experience to fall back on if I don't get in on my first attempt. And yes I recently got my CCRN! Just got GRE and general chemistry pending! 

Specializes in ER/CVICU.

I applied as well!! Anyone know any insider information about the process? I heard that typically you get interview invites by the end of this week ?

Wow! That's super quick.

Has anyone heard anything yet?

Specializes in ER/CVICU.

Nope, nothing yet other that the application is under intitial department review 

Specializes in ER/CVICU.

Someone I know who's in the program right now said he got his interview invite January 18th and interviewed in February

Specializes in ER/CVICU.

Interview invites vent out!

Does anyone have any updates?? I wonder how many applicants they had this cycle.

Specializes in ER/CVICU.

Interview dates are 21,22,and 23. They invited 66 people and I believe there are 34 spots this cycle 

Sounds like they are increasing by 2 every year☺️

Specializes in Neuro ICU.
Bateyevaa said:

Interview dates are 21,22,and 23. They invited 66 people and I believe there are 34 spots this cycle 

Those are actually really good chances! How were you able to know how many people they invited? 

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