Published Sep 25, 2013
29 Posts
Hello everyone!! I'm currently attending FNU, and I'm on my second term. I'm starting from scratch, because I didn't have any previous college credits to transfer, but I'm loving every second here so far. I was wondering who else was attending FNU, and what your experiences have been like so far. I'm planning on taking the Kaplan Entrance Exam again before the end of this month. FNU requires at least a 67% to pass, and I got a 66%!! (Yes I know, I wanted to shoot myself when I heard that by ONE PERCENT I now have to retake the whole thing AGAIN! But I just have to suck it up, and do what I have to do... lol.)
Share, share, share your experiences and feel free to ask any questions that you may have on here.
3 Posts
Well, I guess I'll start. First I would like to say, don't feel bad about not getting that 67% because you almost did anyway. I passed the kaplan with a 76% and I don't want to brag, I just want to share my experience. I did pretty good on all the parts except the science. OMG, that science was brutal, I got a 37% on the science portion. And that 37% was pure out of luck lol. The questions where very very specific like, which ventricle or atrium does blood circulate when coming from the lungs and through which does it exit and with answer choices like through right atrium then ventricle then vena cava, or left atrium down ventricle through etc... I am just remembering off my head and this is not an actual question but it is just to give you an idea. So there you see, you can pass if you focus on the math, reading and writing portion. Also the practice tests on the kaplan book was right on with my actual scores on the real kaplan.
Well, good luck and ill be starting my nursing core in the hialeah campus on January 2014. Right now I'm doing my microbiology in the south campus.
You can tell I don't come on here very often, because I just noticed that someone had actually responded to my post. I'm 2 prereqs away from finishing my requirements, yet I haven't taken my Kaplan again. They changed things on me, and told me that I had to pass my MAC1105 class before attempting to take the exam again. Before as long as you didn't have remedials, they would let you try. Now you have to have taken ENC1101 and MAC1105 before attempting to take it. I'll be trying to do so this month, and see what happens. I don't think I'm going to do too bad, but I don't want to spit up and have it land on my face lol. Hope everything is going good for you. Let me know how the classes have been since you started in January. Any bit of feedback will help. I'm curious to know what it will be like for me hopefully in Aug 2014! :)
6 Posts
Hi there! I'm attending FNU as well and I'm just 2 classes shy of entering the nursing program! However the Kaplan is what's killing me! I took it and "failed" with a 61%. Now the score has been raised to 75% needed in order to enter the program. Can anyone share their techniques used to study. I bought the Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam Study Guide and attended a tutor session for Science at the Hialeah campus, but I feel that neither worked for me. Especially the science tutoring session....that was almost a waste of gas. Any information that you can share will be helpful to me! Thanks!
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To be honest, I just went in there and took it. The first time I got a 65%, and the second a 66%. Now that I'm hearing you mention that it has been raised to 75%, I don't know what I'll be doing. The school's nursing program has been on probation for a few years now, and that's probably why they're raising it's bar. Making sure that students getting in know more, therefore making classes easier for teachers to teach. I'm finishing right now Human Growth and Development & Communications, but still have Microbiology and Chemistry to go. I should be done with all my pre-reqs by ending of June. I'm still iffy about a few things. Don't know what my next step will be. Good luck missy!
When I took it I did it without reviewing as well and decided to get the book to help me out. I didn't know their nursing program was on probation. In all honesty, I'm slightly annoyed with FNU as I feel their teachings may not be up to par. But it could be me. I already have an associates and a bachelors's degree earned in 04 & 06 and have been thinking about transferring to another school, perhaps Barry University for their accelerated BSN program or even Nova. But I'm still up in the air. I will be retaking A&P I b/c I earned a C+ and Human Growth & Dev next term. Wishing you best of luck as well!
Not trying to "name drop" on here, but an alternate choice for me right now is Mercy Hospital's School of Practical Nursing and then a bridge program to their Nursing Program. Everything is done within one facility, and there are only about 90 students. They're deadline is in the beginning of May, and they don't require any pre-requisites. All you have to do is pass their NLN PAX-PN and within their program they give you A&P and Microbiology. It's an option, even though I've already done my A&P classes, but it's something to look into since I haven't entered a nursing program yet.
Email me if you want @: [email protected]!! Good luck :)
Ok, thanks! I'll be emailing you soon!!
69 Posts
For those that are already registered in the program...can you maybe help me in some questions I have?
I already have an AA degree and looking to do the Entry Level RN Program to BSN.
1. What was the cost of the tuition?
2. What are loan payments like?
3. Are the professors good at teaching and assisting students?
4. How is the schedule like so far?
5. Do you feel they prepare you well enough to pass the NCLEX?
I know the first two questions are a bit personal, but I just wanted to know a ball park idea because of course, they dont tell you anything until you sign up and do everything...