Florida License-education credentialing if license by endorsement


Specializes in Surgery, Tele, OB, Peds,ED-True Float RN.

I am a Canadian RN, I graduated from a canadian university. I have not practiced in the US but hold a Minnesota license.I am applying for a FL nursing license by endorsement. I have taken and passed the NCLEX (not in New mexico, I wrote it in Maine). I have my VISA screen completed from CGFNS, I have my NURSYS application submitted. Do I still needed to have the educational credentialing completed? I know that an educational review was a part of the visascreen and the only info that i can find on the florida BON/MQA website states:

"If you were educated in a country outside of the United States, and took the NCLEX for the state of

New Mexico prior to October 1 2008, or if you were educated in a foreign country and are applying

for exam, you are required to have your nursing education evaluated by one of the Florida Board

approved agencies listed on our website at

http://www.doh.state.fl.us/mqa/nursing/nur_foreign.html. Contact the agency of your choice and

request the Full Education Course by Course Report. An original copy of the report must be sent to

the Board of Nursing directly from the agency. You are responsible for all fees the agency charges

for these services. After your application for licensure is processed and has been deemed

complete, the Board of Nursing will review your educational evaluation and contact you with the

status of your application in writing."

This is confusing and even worse that I am here in canada trying to get this stuff completed!

Hoping Suzanne can help me with the technical stuff! HELP

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