Published Aug 23, 2021
1 Post
Any tips for a new float nurse? I’m a relatively new school nurse and this is a new district for me…between the unfamiliarity and Covid craziness, my nerves are getting me! What do you love/ hate about it? Any advice, courses, etc you can recommend, I’m all ears!
701 Posts
Welcome! Are you going to get time in each of the schools with the current on-site nurse before you are thrown in there? Each of our health offices has a substitute binder so that anyone not familiar with that office can access information, tips, etc. I would start there and see if there is a similar system in place. Get to know the medical alert/high risk kids in each building and what their safety plans are. Make sure you know where each of the AED's, epic-pens, etc. are kept in each building. Find out what the plan is for any medical emergency is - it may be different in each building in terms of who calls 911, etc. Floating can be tough- I applaud you.