Published Feb 17, 2010
nurseme3, LPN
60 Posts
This is adapted from the Serenity prayer. It is my bit of encouragement to all of us. I am five months in on a surgical-telemetry floor. Some days are great; others I feel incompetent. But all I can do is my best. Good luck to everyone.
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
To have patience with my colleagues and patients;
To bring a positive attitude to my workplace;
To continue to learn and grow;
To have courage during stressful situations;
To see and use my resources;
And the wisdom to trust in You.
46 Posts
1,237 Posts
Im going to copy this and bring it with me each day. Thank you so much!
I just pasted it into my patient care brain so that I will remember it with each patient :)