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Specializes in Mostly geri :).

Hello, I'm starting an LPN program soon, while I plan on going into long term care, I fear losing most of the skills I'm spending 11K on. So what are the chances of getting into a hospital as an LPN around cleveland. Oh, even Akron or Youngstown. Please be honest lol...and specify preferred cookie and delivery method.

Specializes in ICU.

I think most hospitals in NE Ohio are phasing out LPNs. There may be small hospitals that are hiring LPNs, but none that I can think of off the top of my head.

Everyone always talked about hospitals getting rid of LPN'S this is not TRUE. People have been saying this for years now.... You can pick up the Sunday newspaper in see lots of openings for LPN'S in hopsitals and I just looked on Metro, CCF, UH, etc website in there ARE OPENINGS FOR LPN'S. I no of a few LPN'S who just got HIRED at CCF. So you just have to apply to this jobs, and go from there. Only direct communication with hiring managers will let you know there hiring needs for LPN's.... Good luck...

Specializes in Mostly geri :).

Thanks, those are all really close to where I live. I'm just a bit nervous because I spoke to the instructor in charge of the MA program at tri-c, she said uH is replacing their lpN'S with MA's and paying them 12 an hour. Um, good for them. Do you know what floors these people were hired on to.....I'd love to do med-surg or, dare I say it, the nursery....any advice would be appreciated.

Some of the LPN's just got hired on spec floors at ccf main campus. MA's CANNOT Replace LPN'S just like Medications Aides cannot replace them. MA's or Med Aides do not have the level of training as an LPN to pass med, report adverse reactions to medications, etc... Lpn's usally report to a RN or Physican depending upon where h/she works. Also in LTC LPN's usally run the floors in are more of the Charge Nurse. I don't know any RN that will want to follow an MA around doing there job because they are limited to the scope of there certification just like an LPN is. However, an LPN can do much more in a hospital setting then an MA can. You can always google information or search for varous topics in this form for additional information..

Specializes in Mostly geri :).

Terribly sorry, by MA i meant medical assistant not medication aide-which just sounds like a bad idea imo.....but I feel so much better now. The way some people were making it sound, its Ltc or unemployment, thanks for cheering me up.

Anytime... there is still jobs in hospitals for LPN's... LPN's are NURSES just like RN's. Most LPN's and RN's perform the same tasks day end and day out, just because the RN is behind a persons name they get a little bit more money... with just a few more months of training an LPN can become a RN too...

Anytime... there is still jobs in hospitals for LPN's... LPN's are NURSES just like RN's. Most LPN's and RN's perform the same tasks day end and day out, just because the RN is behind a persons name they get a little bit more money... with just a few more months of training an LPN can become a RN too...

Bologna. Look up the delegation rules in Ohio. RN's are responsible for far more than LPNs. One big example is IVs. Yes, we are both nurses. But RNs are responsible for a lot more than LPNs. It sucks, but its the truth.

I understand that RN's are responsible for more things then an LPN is. Depending upon the setting an RN and LPN perform the same tasks. If you are an LPN in a LTCF you and the RN next to you are both passing meds, dressing changes, calling the doc, etc.. In a LTCF most LPN's work alone and a RN signs off on certin things... I've seen this so many times, that there is no RN in a building and if a major issue come up the LPN charge nurse will have to call the RN that is on call.... Some Hospitals also teach some LPN's how to do some IV's that are not within the scope of there practice (teaching). There are lots of good RN's that will work with an LPN to teach them how to do some things that an RN do. My whole purpose of this post is to let the org poster know that there are jobs at Hospitals for LPN's and hospitals are not getting rid of LPN's. ALL agency place LPN's in Hospitals settings as well as LTC. I don't want the org poster to get discourage that there is no room for LPN's in a hospital setting, because there is.

Specializes in Mostly geri :).

Thank you:redbeatheThe way it as long as I'm a nurse Im. I love LTC but don't want to lose my skills. It seems like some people are biased against LPN's a bit, such a shame. The ones that LIKE THEM....can you recommend a place that tends to hire new grads, you guys sure know better than I do :)

If you love LTC- stay in it! Life is way too short to do something you dislike just because you don't want to lose your skills.

I love LPNs. I really, really do. They kick my butt when it comes to time management. And dressing changes. It wasn't my intent for anyone to think less of LPNs. We are all nurses and that is pretty awesome.

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