first job experience


hi all,

i am a new applicant for cna position w/o experienced i am having a hard time finding a job. i've been waiting for 3 weeks now and nobody calls me for interview im really depressed. can someboby tell their story about their first day as cna, i would love to know your experienced and maybe i can learn from that experience too...

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Are you applying on-line, or applying in person? Are you following up with a phone call after putting in your application?

I know that when I applied in PERSON, I got interviews right away. But when I applied on-line, no one usually ever called. Also, apply to LTC facilities as well as hospitals - hospitals can be hard to get into sometimes with no experience, where as LTC and assisted living facilities are always looking for help. Good luck & let us know if you find a job!

I just got my first CNA job, haven't started yet though. I was getting very flustrated too, most everyone from my class got jobs right away or even had one waiting for them when they were done with school. Most of them got a job in a hospital too. I think the only reason I landed this job is because I knew people. I semi know the hiring manager and was able to call him the day I put my app in to tell him I wanted the job. Most of the other jobs I applyed for I had no idea who the manager was so I had no way of contacting them only the recruiter. I also know the person that left the position and he gave me a recomendation. Start talking to anyone you remotely know that works in health care. They can put in a word for you or give you the name and number of someone to call. Most people are happy to help you get a job. Makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Here is a tip you may or may not need. When I first started applying I didn't have a resume or cover letter and I never got any calls. I decided to make a resume and a cover letter and even though I think they both stank, I started getting interviews when I submited my app with the resume and letter attached. I think they take you more serious if you took the time to put one together.

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