Published Apr 18, 2010
ashfost, BSN, RN
118 Posts
Hey Georgians! I am graduating this summer and I have question about the NCLEX process. According to the Board's website, there will be a delay in the finger printing services and background checks due to the temporary census employees having priority. The delay is from April 28th to May 18th for the fingerprints. I think the background check delay is around the same time. Does anyone know how much of a delay it will be for sitting for NCLEX? I had in mind the EARLIEST I could take NCLEX was beginning to middle of June. Now with this my thinking is I won't sit until July or August. Anyone have any info on this? Thanks !
90 Posts
Hey Georgians! I am graduating this summer and I have question about the NCLEX process. According to the Board's website, there will be a delay in the finger printing services and background checks due to the temporary census employees having priority. [...] Does anyone know how much of a delay it will be for sitting for NCLEX? I had in mind the EARLIEST I could take NCLEX was beginning to middle of June. Now with this my thinking is I won't sit until July or August. Anyone have any info on this? Thanks !
I can't comment on GA, but in CA, fingerprints are required. What happens here is: everything is submitted and then we are given a date for the NCLEX. Only after passing will the board process your file. I suppose the rationale is that it cuts down on paperwork if they weed out those who do not pass before processing the file.
Check with your board. Do they give you a NClEX date before they process paperwork or afterwards. :redpinkhe:redpinkhe
It's the same here. My question was if anyone knew if this so called "delay" will really make a difference in the time people get their ATT's.