Finding the right path


When I read around, people tend to say that Dental Hygienist is a hard major and is really competitve just to get into the program (associate degree). I live in California and it seems like everything is IMPACTED. I've wanted to become a pharmacy, CS major (networking, RN and Dental Hygienist. I don't know if it just my choice but all the careers I have had interested in are "impacted, highly competitive, require high science classes. This ****** me off the most because many studies say that " this career is really in shortage of people etc" then when I actually do research on them and found out myself that ALL the programs are touch as F*&^ just to get in for associate degree. Like nursing I have to get in a 2-3 years waitlist just to be in the program associate program and it required like high GPA as possible with 3.5 is like the lowest it can get. If possible can someone tell me more info about Dental Hygienist, is it like the same as Nursing major which require HIGH GPA, Higly competitve, and have like 2-3 years long waitlist. I'm really bumped out right now because all my friends are all doing really well except me. If possible please recommend me some medical careers that I might be interest in with a good salary etc.

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