Published Mar 19, 2010
660 Posts
I recently got a job and have worked a whole 4 days now. It's been a very eye opening experience and at least I knew from posts here and my other new grad friends what the worst case scenario might be like so I wasn't too shocked. My coworkers are very nice and understanding but there is no time for me to get advice or ask questions during my shift. There is no charge nurse and the unit manager is not available for actual help or questions since she is generally not on the actual unit. I do still ask my coworkers if I can't figure it out or find the answer on my own, but even the seasoned nurses are as busy and frazzled as me do to a large increase in the census of what was previously a LTC facility. The population is moving towards rehab/subacute with no change in staffing or support except for a bunch of new people recently hired who are all equally lost.
Today I had a run in with the notorious house Dr. I was thankfully warned about this individual so I did not get upset, but it would still have been nice to have someone experienced to bounce my questions off of during the last 4 days and then today after my head was ripped off publicly. I'm used to being able to think critically about my pts condition and discuss the situation with a Dr, but that is not the case here. I find myself unable to even follow up on simple pt questions because I am too busy, which is not like me at all. If a mentor isn't available where I work, is there an online or other option available? I'm trying very hard to bloom where I'm planted but I need at little help and I'd feel better for my patients if it wasn't only up to a new grad.
Please no advice about finding a different job. When I looked for 3 months all the advice was about not being picky and now when I ask for help I get told to find another job. I know this place isn't great. But it's not that simple, there aren't any other jobs to go to or I would have taken those jobs already.
193 Posts
I assume you're a new grad and this is your first job? If you've only worked 4 days I will also assume that you just started there. Did you not get put with a preceptor for a few weeks to help you learn the ropes and make the transition? If not, can you talk to your nurse manager and express your concerns and see if there is a possibility of doing this? You really should have a mentor at your facility as a new grad but I know sometimes in LTAC's this is scarce and they rarely have their own nurse educators. I won't tell you to go find another job right now, I know how hard you worked to get where you are right now. If you can't get a preceptor to help you out, maybe you can make the best of it for at least 6 months to get that experience under your belt and then look elsewhere for a better opportunity?
Good Luck to you.