Published Nov 28, 2016
95 Posts
Hi, I have a question that I'm really curious about.
So I never received financial aid grants before ( because I'm dependent and ineligible).
Due to personal reasons I never waited to complete pre nursing and get into the nursing programs. I instead went on to college to study for my bachelors and then go later...
Now that I'm 23, I'll be 24 next year, and independent.
Only thing im done with my classes this semester. I will be graduating this May. Is there anyway that I can receive some financial assistance, possibly by withholding my bachelors degree...
I have plans of going to practical nursing school and bridging...
I proably should have just waited but I felt nursing school was too expensive and I wanted to get myself financially able to cover it..������
Any advice?
8 Posts
I did something similar but for different reasons. I got a Bachelors in Biology and then went back to nursing school. Once you turn 24 you become eligible for more money because you make less then both your parent combined. Most universities look at hours you have completed and degrees you have earned when assessing your financial aid elegebilty. I would contact your financial aid office to get you profile looked at. What kind of job will you have and how much money will you be making? You wont have any tax returns to go off of by the time you fill out your FAFSA so you will get a bunch of money for the first year. But after you have been working and want to finish your second year(if you choose and ADN program) you will get less becase you will have made a bunch of money and do not really have any financial obligations like a spouse or kids. (maybe you do, I'm just saying.)
The best thing would be to finish your degree, by all means. So, if you didn't go to nursing school you will still have a degree in something that will help you land a job.
I would try and find a school that has the lowest cost for tuition for an RN. A RN degree is practically the same no matter were you go. Everyone has the same license by passing the same standardized NCLEX. Look at a cheap community college or technical college. Anywhere as long as it is accredited.
I took out Pell grants and WV higher education grants. It covered most of my tuition the first year. I worked full time to afford living expenses and to save for my second year. It really sucked time wise. I had just racked up so much debt with my Bio degree, and I didn't want to take out anymore loans.
Then I paid out of pocket for my bridge.
Now I'm looking into CRNA school...
Including grade school, I have been in school for 19 years without a single semester off. It blows big time. I'm not one to tell someone to concider taking a break from school, but it may be better to get a job and save some money to pay for it out of pocket. Unless you want to go back to grad school for a NP or CRNA. If you plan to do that, then loans and debt don't really matter because it cost nearly 100k. I don't think you could save up that much money in a timely fashion to pay out of pocket.
Best of luck.