Published Apr 7, 2014
6 Posts
Hey, guys! I'm new to the forum, and I notice how helpful it is on different topics. I just need some "pep talk" or words of encouragement. My LAST final exam is tomorrow, and I'm freaking out. I studied my butt off, and it still feels like I haven't learned anything. If you guys have ever been in this situation, how did you overcome or adjust to it? The help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
1,049 Posts
Well first and foremost, Welcome! And please note that you have come a LONG way to get to that final exam and since you've arrived, you must have been able to retain a lot of information OR you wouldn't have made it this far. Is there a lot more to learn, YOU BETCHA... but one step in front of the other, one day at a time and you too then will be that seasoned nurse who counsels others!
2,723 Posts
Hey! Welcome!
Here's my thoughts....
You've been studying for this final exam the entire semester (or program if it's over everything you've ever learned.)
Trust yourself and make sure you're "conversations" you're having work yourself are positive. It may feel like you've learned nothing, but you've leaned a LOT. Remind yourself of that.