Filipino hiv nurse positive can work in the US?


Hi all!

I was diagnosed with hiv 2012. I am on meds (lamizido and efav) felt no side effects for now (thank God). Currently working and been working as a school nurse and I also teach health in my school. Until recently my cousin contacted me to be with her nursing home in the US. Well I am kinda worried that I will just waste my parents' money, my time and effort in processing, taking nclex...etc. My concern is or lets say my question is. Is it now really possible for a Filipino hiv poz nurse to work in the US?

I hope someone can answer my question before deciding.

Thank you and God bless us all!

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

There is a 6+ year backlog for employment based visas for those born in the Philippines. This will be a bigger barrier since HIV+ status is no longer a US major public health concern with modern therapies, it's no longer a medical condition blocking immigration.

January 4, 2010, HIV infection is no longer defined as a communicable disease of public health significance according to HHS regulations.​ [Therefore, HIV infection does​ ​not​ ​make the applicant inadmissible on health-related grounds for any immigration benefit adjudicated on or after January 4, 2010, even if the applicant filed the immigration benefit application before January 4, 2010. ​


The officer should disregard a diagnosis of HIV infection when determining whether an applicant is inadmissible on health-related grounds. ​The officer should administratively close any HIV waiver application filed before January 4, 2010.

oddy, active syphillis is a disqualifier as untreated gonorrhea.

Communicable Diseases of Public Health Significance - Chapter 6, Part B, Volume 8 | Policy Manual | USCIS

Thank you for you quick response JustBeachyNurse....

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