Published Mar 6, 2001
4 Posts
Our L&D nurses will begin inserting fetal scalp electrodes as soon as we can get a policy approved. I would like some sample policies re: when, under what circumstances, etc the nurse may independently insert the FSE. If your hospital has a policy I would like to get a faxed copy. Please fax policy to 301-891-5052 Thanks for help with this.
82 Posts
We instituted a policy a few years ago and the instances in which we may apply SE are
Membranes ruptured
Non-reassuring FHT pattern
Absence of Previa (Ultrasound)
Physician preference for notification prior to application or after was included in the policy.
We also addressed the competency issue and the training issues. ie) year experience, Completion of FH Monitoring course (AWHONN) and 5 successful return demo's to TL or DR.
We use it a lot at night and most don't want to be bothered for permission, just if it validates non-reassuring FHT patterns.
We think it is a lifesaver.
Thanks so much for replying to my post. I will incorporate this information into our policy. It is just what I was looking for.
Originally posted by bbnurse:We instituted a policy a few years ago and the instances in which we may apply SE areMembranes rupturedNon-reassuring FHT patternAbsence of Previa (Ultrasound)Physician preference for notification prior to application or after was included in the policy.We also addressed the competency issue and the training issues. ie) year experience, Completion of FH Monitoring course (AWHONN) and 5 successful return demo's to TL or DR.We use it a lot at night and most don't want to be bothered for permission, just if it validates non-reassuring FHT patterns.We think it is a lifesaver.
Thanks to you too, I will also use your information informulating our policy!
Originally posted by kday: Our policy is about the same, with the exception that you only have to have 3 return demos, but they MUST be witnessed by an attending MD. It is a really great thing, especially on nights, I agree. It's an optional skill on our unit, but some of the docs have been talking about making it mandatory. Yikes!
Our policy is about the same, with the exception that you only have to have 3 return demos, but they MUST be witnessed by an attending MD. It is a really great thing, especially on nights, I agree. It's an optional skill on our unit, but some of the docs have been talking about making it mandatory. Yikes!
5 Posts
I agree with the other info in the postings..but just be sure sure you check with your California, RN's can place internal monitors as long as it is under a stadardized procedure with competency validation annually.
Thanks for the response. I have checked with the board of the state I am working in and it is not a problem with them. It will be a new competency for our nurses. So, thanks for the info.
Originally posted by schobrn:I agree with the other info in the postings..but just be sure sure you check with your California, RN's can place internal monitors as long as it is under a stadardized procedure with competency validation annually.
350 Posts
double-check w/ your board of Nursing...
Here in Nevada, we can AROM, IUPC & also place FSE's w/ MD orders....***BUT *** the statement by the BON specifically is worded "Fetal Scalp Electrode", soooooooooooooooooo if we goof & place it on a butt or any other non-scalp area, we are outside our scope of practice & liable!
OUR policy at the hospital states "scalp application only"...if we goof, we fill out an occurance report...but it usually isn't a problem.