Felony 21 years ago


:mad:So I finished my cna course in nevada. I filled out aplacation to get my licence. I had a feloney that was droped 21 years ago, i sent them the origanal charge. my probation papers from 21 years ago, the paper showing it was taken off my record. letters from employer and a clearance from California where the feloney was to begin with saying i passed for my cna cert, but could not finish the class in cali.

well now the board is making me go in frount of them in january cause of my feloney 21 years ago even though it says on the aplacation for a drug conviction in the last 7! other people who had more feloneys than I and lied on there paperwork just had to re write a letter and they got theirs.

when ever i write to the board i get the same woman who i think has it in for me and tells me the same thing, it dont matter that it was 21 years ago even if it says on their page the last 7 i still have to go infrount of the board.

would not complain but im in indiana now and want to transfer, so i have to fly all the way back to nevada in jan .

I cant find out where to go or who to write too above the certification admidmistration lady.

i do know if they denie me i will fight it in court. ive been working health care for 10 years now

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