Published Sep 17, 2010
50 Posts
Hi all,
I'm at the three month mark! I've felt so many different things in these short months! I've felt a love a nursing, but I've also noticed another feeling starting to surface: Am I in the right area of nursing? I guess that sounds silly. I've been around rehab for the last 2 years, and now I wondering if Rehab is really were I fit. I've been thinking about all the ppl in nursing school who told me to try and get to critical cuz that's where I would fit, and I'm starting to think they're right. I'm very grateful for the start rehab nursing has given me, but I wonder if this is really the specialty for me. Has anyone else experienced that feeling at the three month mark? (or at anytime lol). How did you feel when you realized 'this is not my niche', and how did you find your niche?? Maybe I should just give it time??
Thanx for the replies.
nurse nessie
18 Posts
The first day I felt like med-surg wasn't for me. I feel like I need to push through it for another few years so I can do something more administrative. If you feel like rehab isn't for you, there are many other areas to explore. Even though I know I don't want to do med-surg forever, everyone keeps telling me to stick with it for at least a year before I look for another job.
NamasteNurse, BSN, RN
680 Posts
I have been in geriatrics for 5 months now and around 3 months , as you said, I started feeling a little , bored maybe? I know I need and want more excitement, or more challenge. It is not easy, there's so much to do most nights I'm overwhelmed. BUT I'd like to do more varied things. I am going to stay at least a year though, I don't want to quit before I get really good at where I am. Plus they have amazing benefits which I need. I think a year is a good amount of time to stay.
173 Posts
At the three month mark on Sunday and I would say I'm about 70% competent/knowledgable/can navigate around the landmines. Making some mistakes for the first time are out of my control; but I am able to prevent them in the future. I know that the specialty I work in is not where I'll retire from, but it's an excellent place to learn about what works and what doesn't. :) As far as knowing/finding a niche, try reading the sticky posts in each specialty sub-forums here on allnurses.
194 Posts
I feel like at this point I can make it through a shift without screwing up or killing anyone, but I don't feel 100% in some things. I compensate for feeling that way by making sure that I DO know what I'm doing and if I don't, asking someone who does before I do it. The great thing about the ED is that it is such a team oriented environment...I don't ever feel like I'm in the weeds if I have something critical come in.
75 Posts
I am also at the three month mark. I feel fairly confident that I can handle routine patients and routine problems. I am comfortable working with other areas of the hospital, with the doctors and with my colleagues. I know I can't handle any patients who start declining or having problems, but I know who to call. What I have trouble with is getting my charting done. I usually stay late 1-2 hours just to get it done, and often don't even start until after I give evening report. They were tolerant with me for a while, but now are telling me that I need to get moving faster.
I guess I got lucky, because I love my area.