Feeling so discouraged! =[


Specializes in CNA.

So I am in nursing school and still work part time as a CNA on the weekends. I work at a LTC facility and I like it..compared to places I have completed clinicals at and places poeple tell me about. It really is a great facility and I am happy to work there.

However I truly want to be in a hospital. That is a major goal of mine. I would love the experienceto be a patient care tech/CNA at a hospital. I have been applying to SO MANY hospitals for SOOO MANY positions. I have modified my resume too many times to count, and added things I feel makes me a strong canidate. I never even had one phone call from a hospital! =[

I want to volunteer during my breaks [my schedule is so chaotic now] just to feel for the hospital setting. However I actually want to WORK. I want to be involved in patient care in an acute setting not just "watch" or be in the way.

I am feeling so discouraged since I have applied to countless positions and no one calls back..I feel like it's luck of the draw.

I worry that once I graduate, I won't be able to find a job in the hospital. I mean of course I will take what I can get, but my heart is working in an acute setting.

Any suggestions for increasing my odds of getting an intvw? Has anyone been in the same boat?

I have added that I am a nursing student, and have cna experience for over a year and have done my clinicals at hospitals..I have attached cover letters..I thought that was a shoe in for my resume to stand out..

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.

Have you contacted the nurse managers on the floors you did clinical rotations on?

Specializes in CNA.

Nope, I was told contacting HR and letting them know I dropped off a resume and wanting to know the status helps. I did that and she totally turned me away. She said we'll look at it when we look at it. After that I felt like maybe I shouldn't call anymore

Nope, I was told contacting HR and letting them know I dropped off a resume and wanting to know the status helps. I did that and she totally turned me away. She said we'll look at it when we look at it. After that I felt like maybe I shouldn't call anymore

Who told you that? Before I was a nursing student, I worked in a hospital HR (it was that job that gave me the nursing bug, and loosing that job was one of the best things that ever happened to me).

The HR staff is too busy and has too many applications to respond to applicant dropping by, it just won't help.

Specializes in CNA.

Really?! Hmm...I've actually heard that way more than once!

Good to know from the other side!

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