Published Jun 12, 2014
1 Post
I wanted to get feed back from any one who has has a restricted nursing license. I have been through hell and back. I had a major breakdown, and for some stupid reason I still don't really have an answer for is I took meds from where I work. I was afraid I would still not be able to sleep and be able to "function". I did not use them to get high, I used them to escape. I have jumped through all the hoops required of me, have fought my way to my former self, if not better. I am ready to earn the right again to practice with all of my restrictions if any would give me a chance. I am from a small community. I have two hospitals four-five long term care. I have attempted every avenue available to me to work in a situation where my restriction would not be an issue. Two years later I have had no luck finding employment in the nursing field I have worked so hard to be in and love more than anything. I have no one close I can talk to that has been in the same shoes. I tried to apply for a nursing license in another state, and their restrictions were worse. Someone has to know of something I have not tried or have thought of. please someone give me another chance