Favorite Nursing Sayings, Quotes, Jokes.....

Nurses Rock


Nurses, what are your favorite nursing sayings, quotes, jokes? We are looking to make more fun images to share on our facebook pages.......Nurses Rock, allnurses.com, and Nursing Students. We'd love to hear your ideas.

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Here is a nurse's saying I found funny:

When my mom was dying from a glioblastoma, she was on hospice. The nurses who took care of her were (typically) wonderful. We became especially close to her case manager, Angela, who was always professional, but very caring. Mom could become very demanding, probably mostly because she had lost control of so many things, including the left side of her body. Angela told us that around the office, they called that "Give a Mouse a Cookie" syndrome. Give a mouse a cookie, they need a glass of milk, etc.

It made light of a difficult situation, and made me think of "Give a Mouse a Cookie", while dealing with patients with lots of cascading requests.

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