False Rumors


Has anyone else noticed some of the really, really crazy rumors running around? When I interviewed at TCU they mentioned this website and the rumors that are on it. I believe that they very nicely were wanting to let us know that some of the rumors posted on here are false. I've had 3 emails today from people asking if I'd read some of these crazy stories. I actually called TWU today to find out when letters would be mailed (I could NOT remember!) and while talking with them asked them about all the folks who r getting accepted during interview (yeah for them, really) and how those of us who didn't get right in compare to that. They said not to worry, that this has no reflection on the rest of us who didn't get in right away. Feel better about that. :scrm:

Specializes in ER, CRNA.
Has anyone else noticed some of the really, really crazy rumors running around? When I interviewed at TCU they mentioned this website and the rumors that are on it. I believe that they very nicely were wanting to let us know that some of the rumors posted on here are false. I've had 3 emails today from people asking if I'd read some of these crazy stories. I actually called TWU today to find out when letters would be mailed (I could NOT remember!) and while talking with them asked them about all the folks who r getting accepted during interview (yeah for them, really) and how those of us who didn't get right in compare to that. They said not to worry, that this has no reflection on the rest of us who didn't get in right away. Feel better about that. :scrm:

I was up late last night thinking I was working tonight-I got cancelled. I know its stressful when you are waiting to find out. GOOD LUCK!!!


So what are the rumors??

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