In trying to be supportive of residents rights and culture change I am having a problem with one of my residents. He is a bilateral amputee who has fallen out of his bed or chair numerous times. He is in a low bed, we have had OT evaluate him and have tried putting his commode lower. WE put a seatbelt on his W/C that he can remove himself. He has 1/2 side rails because he uses them to reposition himself in bed. He has a slide board he utilizes for transfers. Due to a decline his cognitive state has somewhat diminished but is still very able to tell us what he does and does not want. Our doctor ordered bed/chair pressure alarms. WE had tried these in the past but he would remove them. We are trying again but he has asked me to remove them. He states he does not fall but he is. We worked out a compromise that if he can go 30 days without a fall they would be removed and he was agreeable to that. Unfortunately, he continues to fall. Fortunately, despite the many falls he has only ended up with stitches to a nose one time. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do with a chronic faller yet keep within him wishes to remain independent?