failed test!


:sniff: I took my cna examination today and passed the written but not the skills. On my skills I had 1. Hand washing of course.

2. Dressing patient with weak limb

3. ROM

4. Partial bedbath

5. Respiration

And guess which one i failed at....Hand washing. I didn't scrub my full 15 seconds.. more like 12 she said. I was so nerves that I threw up in my mouth and about used the restroom on myself. But after i washed my hands i wasn't nerves anymore, little did I know I had already failed.:sniff: I was very disappointed in myself!

I am so sorry you did not pass but don't give up...and it is a shame that the examiner was so picky. Did you sing Happy B-day real slow? We did that and made our time on that. Our examiner was so laxed, it was not funny and was doing parts of our skills for us and telling us not to worry, she knew that we knew how to do the skill! I was like, wait a minute, I spent all this time...I want to show you what I have learned! Anyway, don't give only missed the one and you know what you did so you should have no problems the next time. Good luck!

Specializes in ICU, ER, Hemodialysis.

I'm sorry to hear about that. You'll get it next time!!! ;)

Specializes in ICU.

You'll do better the next time. I don't understand why she did not let you pass! When will the next time be when you can retest?

:sniff: I took my cna examination today and passed the written but not the skills. On my skills I had 1. Hand washing of course.

2. Dressing patient with weak limb

3. ROM

4. Partial bedbath

5. Respiration

And guess which one i failed at....Hand washing. I didn't scrub my full 15 seconds.. more like 12 she said. I was so nerves that I threw up in my mouth and about used the restroom on myself. But after i washed my hands i wasn't nerves anymore, little did I know I had already failed.:sniff: I was very disappointed in myself!

:o I'm sorry to hear you didn't pass. A friend of mine failed her cna exam the first time for the very same reason. On the bright side, you know you have the rest of it nailed. Think of it as a pre-test that you did awesome on, and now you know what you have to do for the real thing. I like the singing Happy Birthday idea that was mentioned in here. And now that you know what you're in for, you won't be as nervous going into it. Good Luck and keep us updated on how you do next time

i failed my test the first time also. My son gave me a bit of advice that was quite helpful. he told me to pretend i was teaching the instructor instead of thinking the instructor was watching me. it calmed my nerves.

Specializes in Telemetry.

Hey littleNC! First of all I want to say sorry to hear that you did not pass, but I'm sure you'll do great next time. Timing your hand washing is hard, especially with the nerves. I just took my exam a week ago and had planned on singing the Happy Birthday song like so many people suggest. My friend actually pointed out that singing it 2 times would be a safer way to go. Anyway, when I started to wash my hands I forgot to sing, then I was worried about how long ago had I started to wash them? Basically I then just looked at my watch and timed myself from that point on... novel idea I know. It's easy, stress free and then you have a reference to know for sure that you did the correct amount of time. Go get'em tiger!

Working in a nursing home is great :) I love my job, and i would not change it for the world. I have been lucky enough to try other things out but a Nursing home is for me :)

okay a quick run down of a day 7-3

6:45= Report

7;00= AM care on all residents (of course there is team work)

8:30= transport & begin breakfest

9:00= making beds/ showers/ toileting (also somewhere in the chaos break!)

10:30= fluid cart

11;00= toileting residents (lunch breaks start for staff)

12;30= porting residents to dinning room for lunch

1;00= out of dinning room to bed(certain ppl only, they choose if they want to go to bed!)

1:45= laundry/toileting

215= fluid cart

2:45= Charting ( showers , bm, outputs , food & fluid intake)

and through out the day answering call bells, and hope that you never work short!

alright afternoons 3-11

2:45= report

3:00= showers/toileting/getting ppl up from bed

5:30= porting residents for dinner

6;00= porting residents back (supper breaks!)

6;30 = HS care starts and toileting and bed time for most residents

7:30 = Fluid Cart

not to mention toileting and answering call bells!

by 9:30 at night most of the residents are in bed.

it may look like there is not alot on afternoons but there are afternoons that just seem like the bells won't stop!

10:30= changes and checks on ALL residents

10:45= charting

not to mention if anything happens you are looking for a nurse(falls, unresponsive residents) and don't kid ur self IT HAPPENS!. plus if you have a pallative resident it's a whole different ball game. Where I work we do not do any Vitals, enemas or swabs.

that is considered nursing. However it is not like that everywhere. I have to say I am very lucky. The place is only four years old and I have only been there 2.5 years.

I just ran across your post. I found out last week that I passed my written and failed 1 out of the 5 skills. Mine was vitals and it was all nerves and not enough practice. I made me sick to my stomach because I know how to do vitals my nerves got the best of me and know I get to retake:cry: Glad to hear I am not the only one. It truly was a bummer to get that letter.



LittleNC, I'm so sorry you didn't pass the skills part. My heart goes out to you because I too was so afraid of that portion. Oddly enough, you and I had the exact same skills. My ROM was for the shoulder.

For handwashing, I've read to sing Happy Birthday in your head slowly and by the end of the song you will have scrubbed for at least 15 seconds. My instructor also reminded us that the 15 seconds is for the scrubbing portion, not the whole skill. So I was very careful to scrub for the song and then did my rinsing and drying.

The upside is that now that you've gone through the skills part, you'll be more relaxed next time because you know what to expect. Just be sure to practice all the skills in your handbook because I don't know what the likelihood of your getting the same skills next time would be (other than handwashing which I assume every state requires as one of the skills).

Good luck and relax and I'm sure you will be back on here in no time with a Pass result! :flwrhrts:

:sniff: I took my cna examination today and passed the written but not the skills. On my skills I had 1. Hand washing of course.

2. Dressing patient with weak limb

3. ROM

4. Partial bedbath

5. Respiration

And guess which one i failed at....Hand washing. I didn't scrub my full 15 seconds.. more like 12 she said. I was so nerves that I threw up in my mouth and about used the restroom on myself. But after i washed my hands i wasn't nerves anymore, little did I know I had already failed.:sniff: I was very disappointed in myself!

Specializes in LTC, MED-SURG.

i took my cna in march, and the lady that tested me, failed 4 people before me, so i was terrified, i passed but i made it. you can do it.

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