Published Aug 21, 2013
1 Post
Today, I scored a 568 on our hesi fundamentals exam which was extremely disheartening and unexpected. Luckily, my average on exams throughout the semester was at a 90% so I still ended up passing the class with a B and did not end up failing overall. Also, in our fundamentals class the exam questions are styled similar to hesi format so that we become familiar with that type of testing early on. I scored well in all my classes this semester with high B's and A's, and I prepared the week before the hesi by doing group review questions from the hesi rn nclex review book and evolve case studies. Also, I never considered myself having abnormal test anxiety, and I went into the hesi test no differently than previous exams in nursing school. I studied, rested, and came relaxed. That's why I was completely shocked when I down right failed the hesi. I'm trying to understand what could have caused this type of outcome, but nothing out of the ordinary sticks out that would explain entirely failing this exam.
I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience or insight about the hesi exams that could clear up the confusion I am having? Any thoughts would be appreciated so that I can be better prepared for future hesi exams.
84 Posts
Today, I scored a 568 on our hesi fundamentals exam which was extremely disheartening and unexpected. Luckily, my average on exams throughout the semester was at a 90% so I still ended up passing the class with a B and did not end up failing overall. Also, in our fundamentals class the exam questions are styled similar to hesi format so that we become familiar with that type of testing early on. I scored well in all my classes this semester with high B's and A's, and I prepared the week before the hesi by doing group review questions from the hesi rn nclex review book and evolve case studies. Also, I never considered myself having abnormal test anxiety, and I went into the hesi test no differently than previous exams in nursing school. I studied, rested, and came relaxed. That's why I was completely shocked when I down right failed the hesi. I'm trying to understand what could have caused this type of outcome, but nothing out of the ordinary sticks out that would explain entirely failing this exam.I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience or insight about the hesi exams that could clear up the confusion I am having? Any thoughts would be appreciated so that I can be better prepared for future hesi exams.
I totally understand....but IMO Hesi style questions are pretty tricky...ask yourself what exactly was the question asking....the ROOT...because you may have answered to the best if your ability but was it pertaining to what the question was asking....also Hesi style questions IMO have two answers but which one is BEST! I know I know but that is a HESI TEST FOR YA!
230 Posts
These HESI exams are a completely different animal. I failed my Fundamental's HESI also. After that I took my instructor's suggestion and purchased the HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX_RN Examination, 3rd Edition. (blue/white book) Used that book to study content for HESI's as I went through the remainder of the program. Found it extremely helpful on those exit exams. Failed only 1 after that but scored a 1097 on the exit. Well worth the investment.
3 Posts
I'm so sorry this happened to you, but in glad I came across your thread. This past week I as well had a 96 average in my fundamentals class and made a 747 on the HESI! I'm shocked, hurt , disappointed, I don't know how to feel! I have even wondered if I should finish nursing school. I'm not sure what I did wrong either since I've passed all other exams, even the pop quizzes :/ anyone else have any other advice as to how to be prepared for the HESI exams...
6 Posts
I am a few weeks away from taking my exit hesi and I am very nervous as I have not done that great on some of the hesi tests so far. What does anyone recommend to study for this? Do I have enough time? Test is in like 5 weeks. HELP
I also would love to know the best study materials for the Hesi.
2 Posts
I didn't do as well as I could on the fundamental exam. My advise is to shake it off and learn from your mistakes.
Today I took the med /surg HESI and scored over 1000. I learn from fundamentals to really see what they are asking. There is a lot of information that is not needed in the question or answer....once you find out what is needed you can do a process I call association (each disease process has certain things associated with it (meds, signs and symptoms, labs and exams)) if you have a good grasp of that every thing else will work out fine.
Good Luck!