Failed A and P the first time, not doing good the second time?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi everyone, I’m currently retaking A and P after failing it my first time around. I’m honestly ready to rip my hair out in frustration. This time around, I’m currently sitting at a D. I am studying constantly but I just can’t do it. It’s more less the physiology. I can do lab, but physiology I just feel lost and failed my last exam. I feel like I’m working to much (35 hours a week) And I can quit work once I’m in a program (parents said they will help me out). But right now I feel lost. Second time taking this awful class and Im basically failing it again. A whole year of school down the drain. My proffesor told me to give up now and drop the class, because if I can’t pass this class with an A, then nursing school isn’t happening. I’m heartbroken and lost. Don’t know what to do. My only other option is LPN program then the bridge program. But who knows if I can even pass that. Anyone been in my boat before?

Working is definitely affecting your grades. If you quit or cut down your hours by more than half, your grades will go up. I guarantee that. Many programs consider A and P I and II to be the two most important courses in an application. Some programs (even the less prestigious/unknown ones) won't look past a failed or even a bad A and P grade, even if one were to redeem oneself and get an A the second time around. Definitely consider the entire work situation. Good luck!

AP is a hard subject that requires a lot of studying time outside of class. Are you taking any classes along with AP? Also, 35 hours is a lot. I’ve seen people do it, but you have to be close to perfect with time management.

You need to cut down the work hours.

I would almost suggest, if possible, if there is a way to take a leave from your work so you can just focus on the class for the next time you take it. A&P or Anatomy then Physiology are difficult classes where you almost need to take them just 1 class at a time, if possible.

Also, perhaps switch teachers?

It is still possible, I was working over 30 hours while taking A&P 2, Microbiology and Pharmacology in the same semester. I received an A in A&P 2 that semester, but it was not an easy task. It requires heavy memorization and understanding. For physiology part of it, try to go to group study room, bring at least one of your study mate with you, then draw on the board and explain it to yourself and your friend on the physiology part. It is easier to memorize and understand it this way. I also tend to listen to lecture recording whenever I'm free just to refresh my memory.

Don't give up, it is not easy but it is totally possible ! Good luck

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