Published May 15, 2009
302 Posts
Hey Everyone.. So I finally have received an interview for an Externship position in the department that I really want. I was informed it was going to be a panel interview.. about 4-5 people.
Now, I know that I want to bring copies of my resume for all of them but heres the question...
I also wanted to include for each interviewer my letters of rec., copy of transcript, and essay (essay is required).. BUT how do I compile it all? A paper clip? A folder? Bound? Staple? (I dont want to just staple it all together) This is a really silly question I know... but I just want to see if anyone has some input.. Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you!
:redbeathe A.
204 Posts
I would imagine a paperclip would be good. It looks neat and easy to unclip all the papers. This is my assumption and how I think it would look best.
And good luck with the interview. Take a deep breath before and be yourself.
Music in My Heart
1 Article; 4,111 Posts
Personally, I'd prepare a portfolio for each person. Use tabbed dividers to separate sections (resume = xcrpts = references).
UM Review RN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 5,163 Posts
I have an "Interview binder" which is a small 3-ring binder that I use for interviews. I put all the paperwork (copies of my driver's license, soc, nursing license, resume, references, letters of recommendation, immunization, most recent CEU's, certifications, and any awards) into clear plastic page covers. That way, if they want to photocopy something, I just pull it from the binder right in the clear view holder, and it goes back right where I can find it.
I've been very successful with this tool. I also make sure to send a handwritten thank you note to my interviewer.
Best of luck!
thank you all for the info.. My boyfriend is insisting that I make a bound portfolio for all my papers...I ran the idea by my nursing school friends and they kinda laughed it off, thinking it was overly ambitious... but after hearing what you guys have to say, I will do it for sure. I dont know many people who do that, so I really think it will help me stand out.. thank you!!!
136 Posts
For the panel interviews I've had, I only took extra copies of my resume and one copy of my portfolio which includes transcripts, syllabi, recommendations, etc.. I've never had to give out extra copies. Depending on what you submitted when you applied, everyone on the panel will probably have their own copies of your application. During my interviews I've noticed that they've already looked over all the papers and made notes of things they might want to ask questions about or get clarification. Preparing a portfolio for each person would be nice, but I would suggest keeping what you take into the interview light. One binder and a purse (if necessary) is all you should take in. And definitely DON'T forget the thank you note. If you can get business cards or email addresses from all the interviewers send a personal note to each one. If not, then send one to the primary interviewer requesting him/her to thank the others on your behalf. All the best!