Expiration dates and preparing for JC


What has worked for you regarding expiration dates of opened Hibiclens, Betadine and hydrogen peroxide bottles? Use the printed exp date? date 30 days from opening?

How about bulk bottles of po meds, like Motrin, Veripred, benadryl? Use manufacturers date or date 30 days form opening?

Thank you for your comments.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

we use the dates on the packaging. We have an equipment tech who is responsible for checking every crash cart every month. I do not know Pharmacy's plan

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PACU.

Everything you listed we go by 30 days from opening unless otherwise noted by pharmacy.

I have to tell you, when I read the title of this thread I thought for a flash that it referred to some end-of-days thingie-- everyone expires and getting ready for Jesus.

Ahem. Sorry. Carry on.

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