Experiences at Rockhurst/Research's BSN (Tradional) Program


Specializes in Developmental and Intellectual Disabilty.


I'm requesting input from current students or graduated students/working nurses that have gone to Rockhurst/Research for their Traditional BSN program. I would love you to share your experience and your opinion about the whole experience: school, fellow students, post-graduate accommodations/guidance, teachers, etc. Both positive and negative. I'm looking for input on the school and this program.

I am a 24 year old, married with no children. I'm completing my general/prerequisites at the community college and transferring to Rockhurst/Research for the last 2.5 years. I will be doing the tuition forgiveness agreement and working for the HCA hospital group for the two years following.

I would mostly prefer and greatly appreciate input directly related to Research's Nursing program and current or graduated students/working nurses that have gone through the BSN program.

Thank you all for your input and sharing your experiences.

Best Regards

PM me for info.

Specializes in Developmental and Intellectual Disabilty.


I am not able to PM yet. I do not have enough posts yet. Sorry. I really had hoped to get more information available on a post so others can see but I understand the need for privacy and would greatly appreciate input if you are willing to share your experiences.



Ok, I will post as much here as I can.

It's a HARD program (like any other nursing program) and the work can be overwhelming. I have a couple of favorite instructors but I won't list their nams here. I have a couple of instructors that I feel don't need to be teaching, but I won't list them here either.

Don't believe the hype about getting a job within HCA after graduation for a 3 year work commitment, HCA had a hiring freeze this year (unbeknownst to the students) and several students were let out of their contracts. And if you are doing the traditional option, it's a THREE year commitment, not two.

That's as most as I can tell you here.

Specializes in Developmental and Intellectual Disabilty.


Thank you very much for your helpful feedback. I wondered about that---the hiring situation with our economy right now. Hmmmm.....very good to know.

I have a question about the length of the traditional program. I was under the impression that it was 2 years (junior and senior) plus a semester at the last half of your sophomore year?

Since your experience are there any other BSN programs in the area that you would recommend? Such as KU or UMKC?

Thank you!


Specializes in Developmental and Intellectual Disabilty.

.... HCA had a hiring freeze this year (unbeknownst to the students) and several students were let out of their contracts. And if you are doing the traditional option, it's a THREE year commitment, not two.

When you say that they were let out of their contracts, just to clarify, do you mean to say those students were released entirely or then stuck with the bill for school and no job? In a sense if they were let out of their contracts because of a hiring freeze but Rockhurst didn't slam them with the bill that would not be horrible...not totally wonderful...but not as horrible as being surprised by the huge bill at the end of it all.

When you say that they were let out of their contracts, just to clarify, do you mean to say those students were released entirely or then stuck with the bill for school and no job? In a sense if they were let out of their contracts because of a hiring freeze but Rockhurst didn't slam them with the bill that would not be horrible...not totally wonderful...but not as horrible as being surprised by the huge bill at the end of it all.

Let out of their contracts meaning they don't have to pay RCON anything, but still had to pay taxes on half of the tutition which is 24K. It is to be filed with their taxes as a scholarship.

And they were free to work for whomever they want. But I think because of this, these students may be blackballed from HCA facilities, although due to no fault of their own.

And the program is 2.5 years, including your sophomore year and the classes at Rockhurst.

I would look into UMKC's school of nursing, although it's 3 years, that last year is spent entirely doing clinicals, as if you were in a residency program. They really prepare their BSN's for transition to the real world of nursing, unlike other BSN programs that I know of. I felt RCON prepared me to pass NCLEX and that's it.

Specializes in Developmental and Intellectual Disabilty.

:up:Thank you very much for your feed-back. It's very helpful and I appreciate you sharing what you have.

I have not spoken to any UMKC students personally (I had an unpleasant visit when I went to visit the school) but I really do like the idea of a residency program. KUMC also does a similar thing, although you can come from any nursing program and if you get hired on within six months of your graduation date to KUMED you can qualify for their actual nursing residency program which is also a one year long program. I have heard really good things and definitely appreciate that approach to preparing new nurses!

Thank you!


OMG! I was excited about applying to Research this week...I am going there to meet with an advisor next week. She sent me the info pack which still included a memo about the Loan Forgiveness Program, saying that they still offered it. I guess I will find out if it is actually still available when I meet with her. I'll post again if I find that it is. I do hope so!! I'd totally get over having to sign a two year contract with anyone really fast, I am BROKE as a joke!

I can't get a job to save my life with my current BA in Business Admin, tapped out all my Federal aid already, and unless some scholarships line up for me I can't afford to pay out of pocket for nursing school anywhere without a Loan Forgiveness or Tuition Reimbursement program of some type.

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