Exit Exam at Jersey College NJ fail


Failed exit exam at Jersey College. Wish I never went to this school. No entrance exam but the exit is impossible to pass.  Need advice? Thanks

Hey did you eventually pass? I’m starting next month and just want to know what to expect 

I wouldn't go there (especially the Ewing one). Don't waste your money!!  You will end up with no degree at the end after you spent all your money for the tuition. There are other nursing schools in NJ that won't scam you--Eastwick College, Muhlenberg, Trinitas, Ewing College, Mercer College, Brookdale, St Francis.  This school is just out to take your money. Even if you pass all your classes they will fail you at the end on your exit. They fired the Dean there before for messing with the grades of the students. The assistant dean is changing grades also. Most of my classmates who went to ask her for advice, failed in the Exit. Why? They don't like it when you complain. And the minute you bring up something to her, she will put you on that list. A list of students that she messes up with on the EXIT exam.  In my term only 10 people passed the exit. The rest failed, more than 30 students. 

To answer your question, no I didn't pass the EXIT. I got A's and B's for most of the subjects I took, I didn't fail any course.  The highest grade  I got for the Exit exam was 920. Passing was 925. In other nursing schools you only need 850 to pass.  But because the assistant dean didn't like me (I belonged in a demographic/ race that she didn't like)  I believe she changed my Exit grades and failed me. I should have never went to ask for advice from her. I know after that session, she went out to changed my Exit exam grade. I have no way to prove it because the school does not allow you to review your exams.  Anyway I believe in Karma. Be careful how you treat people. What you do to others has a funny way of coming back to you. Just sit back and wait. Those who hurt you eventually screw up themselves and if you are lucky, God will let you watch. 

Then when you fail the EXIT, they will tell you to repeat MEDSURG 1 and MEDSURG 2. And the Senior Seminar course. Mind you I passed both Medsurg 1 and 2 with an A and B+. And they want me to pay another thousand dollars to repeat two courses that I passed already??? I should only be repeating the senior seminar course. That doesn't make sense at all. For me that meant they only wanted my money and that they didn't really care for you as a student. Even for the Review course at the senior seminar, they tell you to do 300 questions on passpoint, 300 on Saunders, 75 on UWorld. They overwhelm you by asking you to do so many things at one time. The Senior Senior instructor (who was the medsurg instructor) did a job job with the review as well. All she did was nag the students. She just kept asking questions and when you ask about something, she will say how come you don't know this you're a senior already. Shaming you in front of other students, instead of explaining a topic you are having trouble comprehending. 

I eventually transferred to another school and got my RN now. I passed the first try on my NCLEX exam.

Jersey College is the worst decision in my life. It was very traumatizing and will cause you pain and sorrow. And torture. They made you feel stupid and sorry for yourself every time they fail you for the exam. You have to pay $60 everytime you repeat it. And you only get to do it 4x. They are just a money making schemy school. 

Find another reputable nursing school.  Trust me. You will thank me afterwards. You will back at this note and say Thank God there was someone out there who spoke out and told the truth of what's going on in that school. 

The NJ Board of Nursing is already looking at this school for failing students based on their EXIT exams.

See link: https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/Proposals/Pages/nursing2-01062020-proposal.aspx

13:37-1.21    Exit examinations

(a) A nursing program may require students to take a comprehensive examination at the end of a program to assess students' knowledge of nursing.  

(b) A student's performance on an examination, if required pursuant to (a) above, shall not affect the student's ability to graduate from the program or to take licensing examinations

The Board proposes new N.J.A.C. 13:37-1.21 to permit nursing education programs to require students to take a predictor examination at the end of the program, but to also prohibit a program from preventing a student from graduating or taking a licensing examination, based on the student's performance on the predictor examination.  

The regulation will not go into effect until publication in the New Jersey Register. I'm not sure if the proposal is published already in the NJ register but when it does that means any NJ schools that require EXIT exams cannot prevent any students to graduate just on the basis of that one exit exam. 

Most of my classmates who failed the Jersey College exit 4 times passed the NCLEX RN exam the first time. Why is that? Because something fishy is going on in that school and they create imaginary grades. You're not allowed to review any of your exams aswell. With any of the courses.  They will give you a paper with your grade on it, and if you failed you can't even ask what you got wrong. They just want you to accept the grade and move on. And if you failed, too bad. Repeat it and pay another thousand bucks. 

One of the sociology professors there put 0 in two of my tests (although I got a 98 and 100) and since she was writing the grades manually on a scratch paper you have no way to fight it because that was not official.  Anyway, I passed that course so I didn't bother reporting it. I think her nickname was ----------------------------.something like that. 

Sorry for the rant. You can email me again if you want more info.

I'm just tired of the BS that went on with this school. money making scheme scamming nursing students who work hard with their hard earn money to gain that degree that they will deprive of you at the end after they get all your money. 



@Roll-and-Go what school did you go to. I too am an ewing campus student just took my 3rd chance exit test 

I totally agreed with you. I went to Jersey school as well. I passed all my nursing class above 80%. and still couldn't passed exit exam. I waste all my time and money from this school just because our degrees is depend on exit exam only. If you didn't passed you will have to repeat med surg 1 and 2. They give you 2 attempts only. And if you still didn't passed after remediation you will have to repeat from the begining of nursing course. I transfer to another school and got my RN license. Pass my NCLEX with try. Still I didn't recommend this school to anyone. 

@tina30 do you have a email I can reach you ? 

I feel really frustrated that I wasted 2 years going to this school and paid all most 40000 just to have them told me that I can't graduated due to my HESI scores is lower than what they wanted. School using HESI to determine if you able to pass NCLEX. In my case, I already graduated from unaccredited school and received my RN license. so HESI shouldn't be use against me. Why I want the diploma from the school because I work hard for it. A lot of students have to suffer because they want their accreditation so bad and afraid student will fail NCLEX causing them to lose their accreditation. No accommodations at all. It all about money making. 

Christine30 said:

I totally agreed with you. I went to Jersey school as well. I passed all my nursing class above 80%. and still couldn't passed exit exam. I waste all my time and money from this school just because our degrees is depend on exit exam only. If you didn't passed you will have to repeat med surg 1 and 2. They give you 2 attempts only. And if you still didn't passed after remediation you will have to repeat from the begining of nursing course. I transfer to another school and got my RN license. Pass my NCLEX with try. Still I didn't recommend this school to anyone. 

So Basically most of us have the same story, went to Jersey College Ewing wasted 40k and 2 years to get to the end and they give you BS about why you can't become and RN or repeat and spend more money , be scammed more with no guarantee of getting out of the school. What's next can someone email me if you took your credits elsewhere and obtained your RN we deserve it and we worked really hard for it. Also make sure y'all continue to file a complaint about Jc Ewings scam on the NJ board of nursing so that they stop taking people's money and kicking them out really if you make it to term 5 you should be able to test until you pass 

Christine30 said:

I totally agreed with you. I went to Jersey school as well. I passed all my nursing class above 80%. and still couldn't passed exit exam. I waste all my time and money from this school just because our degrees is depend on exit exam only. If you didn't passed you will have to repeat med surg 1 and 2. They give you 2 attempts only. And if you still didn't passed after remediation you will have to repeat from the begining of nursing course. I transfer to another school and got my RN license. Pass my NCLEX with try. Still I didn't recommend this school to anyone. 

Did you guys file complaints? 

I did file complaint but nothing they can do for me since I sign the contract with the school policy. I didn't know what to expect from the beginning. Never ever again I will go to any private school. Please read the school contract carefully before you start any private nursing program. 

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