Excelsior A&P


Specializes in Tele/Neuro/Trauma.

Studying for this exam now, yes I am fabulous at leaving things until late, OMG so much material!!! Anyone have any advice on this one??

I have A&P for Dummies, Cliff Notes for A&P, Martini & Nash A&P VangoNotes Audiobook, SG101, EC practice tests (I BOMBED the first one. I have never scored that low ever on a practice test, I always take my first one without studying, I guess I knew less about A&P then I thought LOL) and some flashcards. Bah humbug. I am ready for this one to be over. I test in two weeks! I'll happily take a C on this one.

Any words of wisdom would be appreciated :-)

I just took it yesterday and made a B. I felt the same way that you did. I would have been happy with a C. I read an old anatomy book I had from where I took Anatomy 1 at a local college couple of years ago. I bombed both practice test - 40 and 56. I just knew I was going to fail this test. I went through and flagged a lot of questions. I would say it is a lot of physiology than anatomy. I also used study guide 101 and it helped a lot. It is a lot of stuff. But doable. Study and study some more. Read the study guides from 101. They helped me a lot. Good luck

Specializes in Tele/Neuro/Trauma.
I just took it yesterday and made a B. I felt the same way that you did. I would have been happy with a C. I read an old anatomy book I had from where I took Anatomy 1 at a local college couple of years ago. I bombed both practice test - 40 and 56. I just knew I was going to fail this test. I went through and flagged a lot of questions. I would say it is a lot of physiology than anatomy. I also used study guide 101 and it helped a lot. It is a lot of stuff. But doable. Study and study some more. Read the study guides from 101. They helped me a lot. Good luck

Thank you for posting this I feel a little better now, that is where I am scoring for my Form A practice test and I'm worrying about it. I have the SG101 on my computer, I will take your advice and review them, sometimes they are hit or miss especially for the nursing exams.

Good job!!! :-)

How did it go? I have mine in 2 weeks and I am in the same boat!

Specializes in Tele/Neuro/Trauma.

I got a B :-) Good luck! It's a tough exam but it's doable!

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