Published Nov 7, 2007
I would so do this.
MQ Edna
1 Article; 1,741 Posts
LOL Knew you were a male... I am laughing my head off here... So relieved it was ummmm errrrrrrr deposited in the right orifice. LOL Was a taddy worried about the pressure thought the ummm wrong errrrr hole was blocked :lol2::lol2::lol2: Ok I will try and behave!
lol.... yeah.... hahahaha
89 Posts
I was a nursing intern, in between junior and senior year of nursing school, and I was assigned this patient who didn't belong usually on the floor (vascular surgery). She was unresponsive from a massive bleed in her head and was a full code. She'd been on the floor a couple of days and I noticed she hadn't had a BM in a while. My nurse got the order for the little mini-enema they used on the head trauma floor for bowel care. We got it and looked at it. Hmmm. Snipped the tip off and she stuck the whole thing in there. Left the room and she decided to call the other floor to make sure it was administered right. Came running back with face pale to tell me we should have squeezed out the stuff inside....oh crap! Finally found it inside her and got it out. Learned a good lesson on making sure you know HOW to give the meds.
934 Posts
(I don't know how I missed this funny thread.)