Evergreen Valley College fall 14/spring 15 acceptance


Hey everybody, I just wanted to see if anyone else out there got in to the EVC program for RN in fall14/spring15. Congratulations in advance to anyone who got in to the program and any other program out there. :)

Hi! I'm an alternate for Fall 14/Spring 15 and guaranteed a spot in Fall 15/Spring 16. Seems like light years away. Have you applied/gotten in?

I'm in the same boat. Alternate list for fall 2014/spring 2015. It's driving me crazy not knowing where I am at on the alternate list. Anyone hear anything yet?

Nope haven't heard anything aside from the fact that we'll be getting our alternate numbers in early April. Still patiently waiting.....

Got the email! I am the 1st alternate for Spring 2014. Just need one person to decline the offer! Crossing my fingers. I still am waiting to hear from other schools though. I want to keep my options open.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't gotten to reply to your posts. Nice to hear from you guys. I got an email recently from Adrienne saying I'll be starting in Fall 2014 :woot: woot woot. I wish the best for you guys and hope somebody drops out for you guys lol. Kinda bad to hope that happens for someone but maybe they'll realize nursing wasn't for them as I've seen happen in the past. They'll go 3 weeks into clinical and figure out that they can't stand being around all **** and **** that comes with the job. Anyways keep us updated on your status and hopefully we'll see each other during orientation maybe.

Congrats guys! I'm on the alternate list for Spring 2015, and still awaiting responses from eight other schools..

Do you all mind me asking what your GPA's were? I'm interested in applying here and I am curious what the average GPA is for accepted applicants. Thank you and congrats!

My science GPA was 2.5, overall was a 2.8.

Congrats to those who got it!! I started spring 14!! I semester down so far

Hi, i am sooo late for this post! i am alternate for fall 2015!

Any alternate for fall 2014 got in? What number were you?

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