Published May 21, 2010
2 Posts
hi everyone;
i am new here, but have been training to be a rn for the past three + years.
in training i have found the good and the bad. i expect a certain amount of skepticism
from the women teaching me, given that i am a man. most instructors are fairly reasonable.
a few can be witches. what do you do when one rather infulential admin. type does not seem
to care for grown males entering _her_ field?
are there any schools that have a reputation for fairness towards all students?
not wanting to be a pia; but i have experience teaching at college level, i have never seen
the level of disregard for students as adults as i have seen in nj. am i wrong?
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RickyRescueRN, BSN, RN
208 Posts
Hey there. While dealing with someone like this can be a pain in the a.., think about it this way. You will not have to endure this person for ever. Once you are done with your training/course of study, you'll move on and be free of this person. My caution to you though is that you will encounter more people like this as you continue your career. There are always people who will rub you up the wrong way or irritate me, they wont just be women either. You need to just assess whether what they say or the way they behave is valid or not and if not, then let it go. If it becomes disruptive/stressful to you, then the choice will be to move to another department, hospital, or in your case, educational institution.
Good luck!