Essay for admission into nursing school


If there are roles that a lot of people tend to misunderstand is that of a nurse. Most people when they hear the word nurse mentioned the first thing they think about is about aperson whose roles include taking care of sick persons. However, I feel that the roles of a nurse are much far beyond than just taking care of the sick.First of all, I believe nursing is one of the most influential and rewarding careers. Moreover, nurses not only care for people while sick but also when injured, at birth, aging, grieving and when still health, thus a nurse is that person who aims at promoting health, preventing diseases, and educating the public.

I am certain about my call of becoming a nurse since it started while I was a child as I always strived in making a positive influence on the lives of people. I had developed an urge of wanting to take care of people especially the old and sick. The fact hat I was born and raised in Africa has been one of the primary influences onmy desire of becoming a nurse. As I grew up, I witnessed a lot of people backin my country striving through poverty as they tried to raise money to cater for treatment of their family members and close friends. Seeing them in that situation made me feel weak as I wanted to help but I was limited to choices.Thus, that is the reason why after coming to America I realized nursing is indeed the right career for me, as I feel my country back in Africa is highly in need of health care.

Furthermore,here in America, I have been able to work with different organizations as a volunteerincluding nursing homes, which has been enabling fulfill my wishes of taking care of people. I believe nursing is an exciting profession, and although it appears tough, I am proud that I am finally going to do what I like most as a nurse and help people from my country and continent.

I need a feedback please

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Hello Seana21 and welcome to

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Good luck with your Nursing career plans.

Honestly, this is the information that you need to start with: "As I grew up, I witnessed a lot of people backin my country striving through poverty as they tried to raise money to cater for treatment of their family members and close friends. Seeing them in that situation made me feel weak as I wanted to help but I was limited to choices." That's what is probably going to make you unique among the other candidates, and that's a lot more of compelling beginning (if you tweak it some!) than the fact that people don't understand nursing is about promoting health, especially since that fact isn't something that ties into your later paragraphs. Of course, I think you need to go more into that portion and, you know, "paint a picture." What types of things did you witness? What were the common situations? What did you do to try to help, if anything? Maybe a specific event you can describe to exemplify all that? Then you directly connect that you are going into nursing to give yourself and the people in your home country those options. Then you want to focus on what you did up to now that makes you a well-rounded qualified candidate--you know, 4.0 GPA, improving something at the nursing home you volunteered at, your drive, whatever. Your sales-pitch on how great you are.

There's also quite a bit of areas where the phrasing is a bit awkward, but I would get your rough draft done first and then someone to read over it to rephrase things a bit.

Thanks I appreciate it

Thanks I appreciate it

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