ESI practice thread

Specialties Emergency


I am starting this tread for people to post scenarios (easy or hard) and for others to say how they would triage this patient according to ESI and their rationale for doing so. I think we can learn a lot from each other. Especially newer ER nurses learning from those more experienced.

Does anyone want to start?

It can be based off real patient scenarios.

Good one. I would have made this an esi 5, but didn't know removal of part of ths spleen could pose such a potential problem. I'll now be on the look out for this!

It's mandatory learning in military medicine so I've had it harped on a bit more than in civilian teaching or CME. You're basically on the lookout for anyone with flu-like symptoms who is either asplenic or "functionally" asplenic which is defined as "

At our ED, EVERY psych with SI, HI, pyschosis, or L2K gets assigned ESI 2. I can only think of a few situations were a psych would be triaged any different in out ED (needs med refill comes to mind).

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