Epilepsy Nurse Specialist


How does one become an Epilepsy Nurse Specialist? Is there any specific certificate I can get to become one? I am a BSN RN and am working on my MSN now. I also have epilepsy and had sucessful surgery 12 years as well. I would love to be an Epilepsy Nurse Specialist but am not aware of how to go about it. Hope you can help. Thanks, Barinbass

Me too! I graduate in Spring 2014 and have a specific interest in epilepsy. My sister lost her life to epilepsy. I would love to work in neuro, but epilepsy is something I am really passionate about. Good luck finishing up school!

I, too, am very interested in this type of certification. I do currently work as a Health Management Nurse who specializes in epilepsy. I enjoy it very much but would love to have the certification to back it up!

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