Building a Persona to Achieve Traffic Growth

With more than 940,000 members, allnurses is the #1 nursing community in the world. Capitalize on this HUGE opportunity by building your persona on allnurses. In order to build your traffic, let the allnurses community get to know YOU. Nurses Entrepreneurs Article

Building a Persona to Achieve Traffic Growth

allnurses now encourages nursing innovators to share their website with our community. We believe that sharing all things nursing can elevate the nursing profession. This includes bloggers, authors, or any innovative nursing services that help our readers excel. But - do not go about this the wrong way...


We know YOUR GOAL is to improve traffic to your website. allnurses is now giving you the chance to provide valuable insight, so that our readers will start following YOU. The more FOLLOWERS you attract the more growth in TRAFFIC you will yield from your efforts. Did you know that by sharing your expertise, knowledge, and insight with the allnurses community, you can generate 500 times more traffic to your website?

The best way for you to go about this is to create a following on allnurses. Build a persona where our readers will seek you out. In doing so, you will enjoy the benefits of what allnurses has to offer. More nurses. More students. More readers. More traffic.

OUR GOAL is to improve the allnurses' user experience by providing a variety of content generated from reputable sources. So let's work together to elevate the nursing profession by providing a place where everyone can learn and share information.


We can both get what we want. But, we need to work together.

If you come to allnurses just to post a link to your website it will get removed. It may even get you banned.

We know this process will generate more traffic for you. Coming to the site - posting a link and running off - will not provide the results that you seek. Follow our recommendations and you will be a satisfied partner.


1)__ Register if you haven't done so. Fill out your profile (biography, credentials, etc). Most importantly don't forget to add your website and any social networks that you belong to. For example, facebook, twitter, Google, etc.

Our readers will visit your profile to get to know YOU. This is an opportunity to connect with our readers.

2)__ Write articles (articles must be unique to allnurses; should be personal; promote engagement)

Your goal is to show your knowledge and expertise. Well-written articles grab attention. They are easy to Share and Bookmark. A topic that is bookmarked by many is one that gets a lot of traffic.

3)__ Comment on topics posted by others. You become a valuable member of the community by participating throughout the site.

Your goal is to come across as a helpful member of the community. Take this opportunity to get to know our members and vice versa. Start making new friends.

4)__ Reciprocate links. It's acceptable to link back to your articles on our site from your site and vice versa.

A great partnership is one that is fair.

5)__Become an active participant and contributor in the Nurse Innovators Hub. Network with other innovators....those who are already established in the blogging community as well as those just starting out. Become known as one who enjoys mentoring others.

6)__Upon approval from allnurses, introduce a free product to the community. NO STRINGS ATTACHED.

IMPORTANT: Writing an article is the best way to do this as it is available on many fronts (eg. in forum, main page, newsletter, facebook, etc). Products should be ready to download. For example, if it's a book - provide a link that will download the book immediately. If it's a video, embed the video in the article. DO NOT REDIRECT to your site. This is a huge turn off for many. Rely on your product. A great product will provide you and our readers a good return on investment.


TIP #1: Write articles that answer a frequently asked question. Members will usually comment on these for many years.

TIP #2: Your articles should promote engagement. Get readers to comment on your article. This will keep the article alive for many days.

Tip #3: Your articles should be personal - personal to you; personal to your readers. These articles usually have the most comments.

TIP #4: The more descriptive the article is the better the response from the community.

TIP #5: Authors who provide feedback on other topics usually have the most comments. This will also lead to high number of shares.

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