Entertaining Angels?

Nurses General Nursing


Last night I was going in to check on a patient and our Chaplin was in praying with him. This particular patient had a long history of alcohol abuse and had some serious damage done because of that. I wasn't sure how receptive he would be to our Pastor. So when I saw them together with his sister I stopped and turned out of the room. Later, I asked Pastor how everything went and he assured me the patient was very open to the visit. I said, Yeah and isn't his sister really sweet? He had a blank look on his face and said, I don't know, is she? I said, Well, she was sitting right next to you. No, he replied, Shay, it was just me and the patient in the room. I said "Pastor, I saw a woman sitting next to you smiling while you were praying just as plain as I saw you sitting there. Are you pulling my leg?" Turns out he wasn't. Then he said to me, The bible says you entertain Angels many times and don't know it. What a cool job, lol.

Thank you for sharing that, and also for getting one of my favorite Newsboys songs stuck in my head!

Naomi Grace, RN

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